



If you think you have measles, do NOT attend the surgery in person; CALL us on 052 7441364 or Caredoc on 0818 300 365.

The full course of MMR vaccine offers good protection against measles for 99% of people. To check your vaccination status you can call your local Immunisation Office

Measles is a highly infectious viral illness. Measles starts with cold-like symptoms that develop about 10 days after you get infected. You will then get a measles rash a few days later.

The illness usually lasts 7 to 10 days.

For more information see below 

Measles Information Page

HSE Measles Information






The protection from previous doses or a COVID-19 infection may weaken over time. Booster doses help boost your antibodies and give you good protection from becoming seriously ill or needing to go to hospital if you get COVID-19.

Who can get an Spring Booster

You will be offered a booster dose until June 14th 2024 if you are:

If you're age 18 to 79 and not in one of the groups above, you can still request a vaccine. Talk to your GP about your reasons for wanting a booster.

How long to wait

You have to leave some time between your booster and your last COVID-19 vaccine or COVID-19 infection.

How long to wait depends on your age, if you are pregnant or if you have a weak immune system.

If you are 80 or older

Wait 3 months since your last COVID-19 vaccine or COVID-19 infection.

To make your appointment for your Covid Booster contact 052 744 1364. 

For further details on the Covid Booster Programme click on the link below. 


Common Illnesses

A lot of everyday illnesses like colds, coughs or sore throats don’t need an antibiotic.

Find out how you can treat them at home and when to get help.




Under 8s GP visit card

Registration is now open for free GP care for 6 and 7 year olds.

All children under 8 years of age living in Ireland can get a GP visit card.

The under 8s GP visit card covers:

  • free GP visits
  • assessments at age 2 and 5
  • out-of-hours urgent GP care
  • care for children with asthma

Medication costs and hospital charges are not covered.

Click on the link for details. https://www2.hse.ie/services/schemes-allowances/gp-visit-cards/under-8s/


Doctor Visit Card

If you have a GP visit card, you do not have to pay to see your doctor.

From 11th of September, more people than ever are eligible for a GP visit card.

Are you?

Apply online to find out: http://bit.ly/3PglNlN

Welcome to The Practice

We offer a full range of medical services to GMS patients with a Medical Card or Doctor Visit Card, and to private patients.

We are confident that our website will provide clear and concise help and give our patients the information they require in an easy and convenient format.

Our dedicated team are here to treat those minor ailments that occur as well as providing specialist management of long-term conditions and clinics covering a wide range of healthcare issues. 

Opening Times

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